Gr10! & snow?

Not sure where I am in blog as can't work it or Lawr phone so stay with me.
April 18th
Stayed at le barcares really windy but sunny although the sea was freezing, thought Med was warm?!
Highs- beach, sun, watched good film
Lows- windy again, Pyrenees cover in lot of snow low down
Note- debating whose idea it was to attempt walk..

May 1st
Realised we get train tomorrow, so walk along beach & burn feet.
Highs- sunny, lovely camper spot
Lows- last night in camper for a while, rucsac to small
Note- Lawr achieved level one in waxing, though he said the examiner was pedantic.

May 2nd
On train for most of day to Hendaye
Highs- start of new journey, clean train, hotel:)
Lows- amount of snow on hills, hot feet, sore knee already
Note- Lawr said I should put my crumbs on grass for penguins to eat. The Toulouse pigeons were quite put out. (think I should keep him out of midday sun)
